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Yanbian University English Major Student Won Third Prize in“21stCentury·Coca-Cola Cup” National English Speaking Competition Jilin Regional Competition
2017-11-25 阅读次数:

Yanbian University English Major Student Won Third Prize in“21stCentury·Coca-Cola Cup” National English Speaking Competition Jilin Regional Competition

The 23rdChina Daily“21stCentury·Coca-Cola Cup” National English Speaking Competition, Jilin regional competition was held on November 25th in Changchun University.The contest, sponsored by China Daily, the national English-language newspaper in China and hosted by 21st Century English Newspaper is the highest level event. The judges were from International Public Speaking Competition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy and experts from both universities and China Daily, attracting outstanding university students.

Representing Yanbian University is Li Yijing from the 2015 English major who stood out among other students in the first round, an online contest and in the second round, a telephone interview. After an intense competition in Changchun, Li Yijing won third prize in Jilin regional competition and an honor for our school.

延边大学外国语学院版权所有 ghpiao@ybu.edu.cn
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