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A Good Harvest in the First Micro-Course Competition
2015-04-25 阅读次数:

The first China Foreign Language Micro-Course Competition was hosted by China Higher Education Society, Higher Education Press and the Teaching Guiding Committee for College Foreign Languages under the Ministry of Education from August2014 to March2015. The competition aimed to promote reform in college foreign language teaching, explore new teaching modes and concepts, and build a platform for exchanging teaching experience. The micro-course competition (Jilin Venue) and its seminar, organized by Jilin Province College Foreign Language Teaching Association and Higher Education Press, convened at Yanbian University in November2014. CFL attached great importance to the event and set up an organizing committee for our teachers’ participation in the activity. Four course wares were selected and recommended to the provincial-level semi-finals. Our teachers received good results: Chen De was awarded the second prize, and Nan Meilan and Song Hua the third prize. The competition was a good opportunity for our teachers, encouraging us to combine IT with foreign language teaching and improve teaching quality.

延边大学外国语学院版权所有 ghpiao@ybu.edu.cn
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